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Writer's pictureAris Antoniades

"Aphrodite In Black" Opens In Nicosia

NICOSIA, CY: Aphrodite In Black - a multimedia, one-act theater show featuring dramatized poetry by the renowned philosopher and poet Klitos Ioannides - had a very successful premiere at Theatro Ena in Nicosia, on May 11, 2019.

The show was masterfully performed by actress/singer Elena Hadjiafxendi and theater-veteran Sotiris Mestanas, and was directed by multi-award-winning director Andreas Christodoulides. The poetry was brought to life through stunning video projections and animations, created by Melina Shoukri, and music by yours truly.

Music was an extremely important part of this show. Along with a fair amount of underscoring, the show also included a number of songs which were performed live by the lead actress, as well as musical interludes inspired by Klitos Ioannides' poetry.

I feel extremely grateful for having had the chance to work with this amazing creative team, and cast, for the past few weeks - it has truly been a pleasure. I would especially like to thank Dr. Ioannides for believing in my work, and for entrusting me with the music for this production.

The show, which the press called "a heartwarming mystagogy" (Phileleftheros, May 15th 2019), was produced by the National Guild of Greek Writers of Cyprus and was sponsored by the Cypriot Ministry of Education and Culture.

After a successful limited run in Nicosia, we are planning on touring around Cyprus and Greece. More information will be announced soon.

A selection of photos from the show can be seen below (photo credit: Yiannakis Mylonas):

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